Now we have a basis for our story and how we tell it we need to develop a smart strategy for how it plays out across the ever expanding landscape of platforms and channels. Armed with our STORY ATLAS we continue to flush out the strategic goals for how we share our tale and where and when to create the greatest impact on our audience. We know “A story starts with a creator and evolves to a community.” So planning for how that community interacts with content is key to nurture your audience.
We have developed strategies for some of the largest companies on the planet as well as advised entertainment properties on how to activate story. As Rumelt says in Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters:
Good strategy works by focusing energy and resources on one, or very few, pivotal objectives whose accomplishment will lead to a cascade of favorable outcomes.
Richard Rumelt Tweet
we provide those favorable outcomes by understanding cross channel strategy.
Transmedia (as defined by in his 2006 book Convergence Culture) is storytelling across multiple forms of media with each element making distinctive contributions to a viewer/user/player's understanding of the story world. By using different media formats, it attempts to create "entry points" through which consumers can become immersed in a story world.
Henry Jenkins Tweet